Welcome to my blog, I’m Marilyn. I am a mom to 3 wonderful little girls. My husband is very much outnumbered in this house. Pink everywhere!!! Oh wait- along with the pink everything is monogrammed some way or another. I embroider and cut vinyl decals. (going on 9 years now) Please feel free to leave comments and share ideas. I love to create new and fun things.I have been monogramming things for over 10 years now. Wow how time flies. I started monogramming when my oldest was born. I just loved the idea that if I had an embroidery machine I could put her name on her bath towels. From there a monster has been created. I embroider and stick decals on EVERYTHING!!! From my husband’s boxer shorts to my girl’s baby doll cloths, you name it I have more than likely monogrammed it.

Please visit my web sites.

Thank you Darby Rose Photography for our wonderful family picture.